So You Want …To Persuade Councillors?
Elected county or city councillors (in Unitary Local Authorities) have powers to set speed limits. Not MPs, district or parish councillors. Campaign targets are mainly the top (cabinet level) councillors. They have budget control/money. Officers eg highways employees do not set or update policy. Aim to update policy through councillors.
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NHS News and Briefings
So You Want …Social Distance?
Posted by Rod King · May 09, 2020 12:00 PM · 1 reactionSpace Reallocation & Lower Speed Responses to Covid-19
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Posted by Rod King · April 24, 2020 7:29 PM · 1 reaction
Rod King published Space Reallocation & Lower Speed Responses to Covid-19 in News 2020-04-24 19:29:58 +0100
Space Reallocation & Lower Speed Responses to Covid-19
We all need more space – 2m for safe social distancing during Covid-19. Leading cities are now delivering more room for access on feet and slower speeds for reasons of public health, fewer casualties, to help us breathe, exercise and mitigate car use. If people begin to avoid public transport in our cities then, unless walking or cycling is chosen rather than driving, urban areas may grind to a halt in a polluted traffic jam as travel bans begin to be lifted. 20mph and 30km/h limits are valuable, key tools for accessibility, lung health and economic recovery.
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Rod King published Call for a 20mph Default Speed Limit for London in Blogs 2020-04-16 16:31:15 +0100
Call for a 20mph Default Speed Limit for London
The Coronavirus pandemic has seen unprecedented changes to London streets and roads with a huge reduction in the number of journeys that people make as Londoners stick to the instruction to stay at home. While the largest falls have come in the use of public transport (tube use is down by 95% and bus use by more than 90% to 13th April), falls of more than 75% have been recorded in traffic volumes and the emptier and quieter streets (and even birdsong!) are instantly recognisable to anyone living in the capital at the moment.
Here are some of the other NGOs and organisations that are joining our support for the doctors in their call for an emergency national 20mph urban limit. If you would like to add a comment in support then please email us at [email protected]
Rachel White, Head of Public Affairs
“We strongly support this campaign to reduce the default speed limit to 20mph in urban areas during the Covid-19 crisis. The majority of pedestrian and cycling injuries occur in built-up areas as a result of collisions with motor vehicles. And higher speed limits increase the chance of incidents and the severity of injuries from a collision."“Implementing a 20mph Emergency National Urban Limit will take pressure off the NHS during this time of crisis by preventing avoidable collisions, and will improve road safety for those who need to make essential journeys. We're hopeful that the benefits of lower speed limits will be realised during this time, and 20mph will remain the default long after this crisis is over."
Alice Roberts, Head of Green Space Campaigns
"20mph speed limits are vital alongside measures to reduce traffic and car dominance to make sure people can live safe, pollution-free, active lives"
David Harrison, Vice Chair London Living Streets
"London's streets are very different places from just a few weeks ago. We have fewer vehicles, some travelling much faster than before, and many more people either heading to the shops every day often on foot or cycling or taking their daily exercise and trying to stay carefully distanced from others. Often this means they have to step into the road to avoid others or they are walking and cycling in the road sometimes with children many of whom are scooting or cycling. In this environment it is vital that drivers play their part by moving slowly so as to keep others safe and free from intimidation.London Living Streets wholeheartedy supports our doctors' calls for an emergency urban speed limit of 20mph to keep everyone using the roads as safe as possible at this time."
Emma Griffin, Founder Action Vision Zero"
Action Vision Zero has been appalled at the way a minority of drivers have taken advantage of the emptier streets to drive at high speed. There are numerous reports of high speeds recorded not only on arterial roads but also in busy urban streets where people are increasingly reliant on walking and cycling to get shopping and for daily exercise. It is vital that we do not increase the burden on the NHS with preventable road crashes and doctors are right to point out that lowering the urban speed limit to 20mph is one action that the UK Government can take immediately. Please listen to the medics' calls and take this action as a matter of urgency."
Victoria Lebrec, Campaign Coordinator for RoadPeace, the national charity for road crash victims
"Increased speed makes a crash more likely to happen, and also increases the severity of a crash. Whilst less vehicles are on the roads, traffic police in urban areas have reported seeing a significant increase in speeds. This comes at a time when key workers are walking and cycling as an alternative to public transport, and the NHS is already stretched as it readies itself to deal with the COVID-19 peak. Lowering the speed limit is crucial in order to minimise death and serious injury. Not only to prevent the tragedies they inherently are, but also so that no extra pressure is added to the health service at this time of crisis. Being seriously injured at this time inevitably means care will not be as it normally would, resources are detracted from dealing with the pandemic, and the victim runs the risk of contracting COVID-19."
Josh Harris, Director of Campaigns
“Alongside our friends at 20’s Plenty, Brake has long called for the national default urban limit to be reduced to 20mph – it’s the only safe speed for places where people are in close proximity to motor traffic. COVID-19 has altered the landscape of our communities and we’re seeing less motor traffic and more people walking and cycling on roads, getting daily exercise and adhering to social distancing. These are positive developments, giving us a glimpse of a safer and healthier future, but with disturbing reports of increased speeding, and a renewed impetus to ease the burden on our stretched emergency services and NHS, we need to do more to reduce road collisions. 20mph limits are a simple way to make our communities safer and healthier and so we support the emergency 20mph national urban limit but believe safe limits should be for life, not just for lockdown.”
Jenni Wiggle, Interim CEO, Living Streets
"Social distancing is an essential part of the COVID-19 response. However, keeping two metres apart on narrow and obstructed footpaths isn't easy and inevitably leads to people walking on the carriageway. There are fewer vehicles on our roads now that people are being encouraged to only take vital journeys. However, this has resulted in a minority of drivers taking advantage of lighter traffic to speed.
A move to a national limit of 20mph would not only increase road safety, but would make it easier for drivers to anticipate and respond to people in the road."
Tom Bogdanowicz, Senior Policy and Development Officer, London Cycling Campaign
"20mph has long been recommended by public health bodies for urban areas, as such a limit reduces air pollution and dangerous driving. We join the call to urgently implement a default 20mph urban speed limit during this crisis, particularly because so many keyworkers are now cycling to work, and many people are forced to keep their distance from others by using the carriageway, yet, sadly, some drivers are clocking up dangerous speeds resulting in unnecessary road anger to others. Reducing road danger and unnecessary driving are vital all the time, but particularly during this pandemic."
Alice Ferguson, Co-Director, Playing Out
"Playing Out supports the call for a default 20mph limit on residential streets. Children need to be able to play out where they live, for their health and wellbeing and to feel part of their community. The main barrier to this is danger from traffic - we know that where streets are safe, children can and do play out freely. A 20mph default limit - ideally accompanied by physical measures and enforcement - is a good baseline for creating safe, liveable streets for children and communities."
Rod King published Doctors Demand 20mph as Emergency National Urban LImit in Press Releases 2020-04-09 07:00:22 +0100
Doctors Demand 20mph as Emergency National Urban Limit
Embargoed till Thursday 9th April
Today, April 9th, sees the launch of a national campaign supported by leading doctors to call upon the UK Government to demand 20mph as an Emergency National Urban Limit. We all want to help the NHS during the Covid-19 crisis. The doctors that we are relying on have called on the UK Government to change the national speed limit to 20mph from 30mph. They are clear that setting a 20mph speed limit will reduce pressure on the NHS now and for the future. 20’s Plenty for Us, the national campaign for 20mph limits with 460 local community campaigns, is supporting our doctors’ calls for the UK Government to act now.
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Letter to councillor
Councillors set local road speed limits whereas MPs set them nationally. Please write urgently to your Councillors calling for 20’s Plenty for the NHS. Health services face their greatest ever challenge from this pandemic. Every crash victim fewer frees up capacity for Covid-19. Empower local politicians. Example letter below. Circulate it to your elists and social media.
Letter to local radio station
Please offer to speak on your local radio station about a national change to a 20mph limit for the NHS. Health services are facing their greatest ever challenge from Covid-19. Every road crash victim fewer frees up NHS capacity. Spread this message to empower politicians. The example email to a radio station below is based on Prof John Whitelegg’s letter to the Shropshire Star.
NHS Blog
Air Quality, Covid-19 and 20mph limits
Posted by Anna Semlyen · April 19, 2020 3:46 PM · 1 reactionCall for a 20mph Default Speed Limit for London
Posted by Jeremy Leach · April 16, 2020 4:31 PM · 1 reactionTravel Patterns after Lockdown Ends
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Posted by Anna Semlyen · April 07, 2020 7:47 PM
NHS Donations
If you wish to make a donation towards our campaign to support the doctors call for a national emergency 20mph limit then please use this form.
NHS Voxpops
Our campaign in support of doctors is very much one with public backing. Here we show videos from people around the country saying why they support the doctors in their call for an emergency national 20mph urban limit. You can share a video on social media just by clicking on the paper dart symbol when you hover over a video. Please do.
If you would like to record a video for adding your support then please email us as [email protected] and we will provide instructions.
Dr Adrian Davis
Alice Berendt
Dr Claire Mason
Peter Goodman
Danny Dorling
Sandra Lane
Luca Machado
Louise Berendt
Matthew Snedker
Florence Trotter
Paul Holdsworth
Kevin Ambrose
Anna Barford
Vincent Walsh
Adrian Berendt
Rosie Semlyen
Prof Alan Tapp
Wyn Holroyd
Marieke de Jonge
Jane McCourt
Kate Thomson
Jeremy Leach
Anna Semlyen
Rod King MBE
Rod King published We Support Emergency 20mph Limit to ‘Lower the Baseline’ NHS Load in Press Releases 2020-03-27 14:25:32 +0000
We Support Emergency 20mph Limit to ‘Lower the Baseline’ NHS Load
See our microsite dedicated to to supporting the call by doctors to lower the urban speed limit from 30mph to 20mph at www.20splenty.org/lower_baseline. It includes Voxpops, FAQs, Supporters, etc
The Covid-19 crisis is severely straining our medical services and economy. As well as increasing medical capacity, doctors are calling to “lower the baseline” of NHS demand for preventable reasons like road crashes by rapid introduction of public health policies. Medical experts want emergency measures to reduce speed limits. 20’s Plenty for Us support their urgent requests for 20mph limits in built up areas to help the NHS and economy by saving hospital beds and resources[1].
[1] http://www.20splenty.org/covid-19_and_lower_speeds
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Rod King published No, 20mph limits won’t solve the Covid-19 Crisis…but in Briefings 2020-03-23 10:09:00 +0000
No, 20mph limits won’t solve the Covid-19 Crisis…but
The current Covid-19 Crisis is of major concern and governments are looking at ways to protect their population and reduce the number of deaths from this new threat. We are not advocating 20mph limits as a cure, but we believe there is good evidence of how communities already implementing strong 20mph and 30km/h policies can better protect the public in such a crisis.
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20’s Plenty News March 2020
We know corona virus has made face to face activism hard. Yet the need to reduce speeds still exits. Tactics will evolve. There’s plenty of good news on places respecting road users by going 20mph.
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Rod King published 20mph and 30km/h limits mandated by Global Ministers in Press Releases 2020-02-23 20:52:57 +0000
20mph and 30km/h limits mandated by Global Ministers
Global Road Safety Experts and Ministers from 130 countries adopted the “Stockholm Declaration” at a road safety conference on 20th February. It requires 30km/h (20mph) limits where vulnerable road users and vehicles mix - for safety, air quality and climate action.
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So You Want …Sustainable Transport?
Is increasing sustainable transport, like dieting, as simple as asking individuals to drive less and exercise more? No! Travel structures and societal norms don’t fully support the healthier choices as we’re afraid of injuries and dirty air. Politicians must prioritise road safety to nudge people’s travel choices. 30kph/20mph limits are foundational for mode shift from private car use to feet, cycles and public transport.
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20’s Plenty News Feb 2020
UK Places - Glasgow unanimously voted for a Total 20 policy for almost 600,000 residents. £4.35M will make the vast majority of its network 20mph. Birmingham is raising the proportion of its roads that are 20mph to 90%. Kingston upon Thames is consulting on wide area 20mph. Leeds announced almost every inner-city road will go 20mph. London’s TfL will make every road it controls (the Red Routes) inside the Congestion Charge 20mph by May 2020. We await consultation results from the City of Westminster for every road they manage to go 20mph.
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County-Wide Campaigning
County-wide campaigns are when 20’s Plenty branches across a highway authority area jointly call for 20mph limits. Rather than compete for funds, campaigns work together for the policy commitment to giving all built up areas wide 20mph limits. Unity is powerful and it’s the most cost-effective policy.
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Rod King commented on The Climate Emergency – 20mph Reduces Emissions, helps traffic reduction and reduces oil dependency. 2020-01-17 15:52:52 +0000Hi Christine. We don’t advocate speed bumps. It seems rather a course way to communicate with drivers. We prefer “hearts and minds” rather than “buttocks and spines”. But the load on suspensions from speed bumps is actually proportional to the speed someone drives over them. So maybe just driving over them at their design speed is preferable to testing out the suspension unnecessarily.
Rod King published 20mph/30kmh limits to be mandated by Global Ministers in Press Releases 2019-12-23 15:21:20 +0000
20mph/30kmh limits to be mandated by Global Ministers
Ministers from around the world meet to adopt the “Stockholm Declaration” at a conference[1] in February which includes commitment to 30kmh (20mph) speed limits where vulnerable road users and vehicles mix.
[1] https://www.roadsafetysweden.com/
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Founder & Campaign Director, 20's Plenty for Us
Rod King
Rod King founded 20's Plenty for Us in 2007
in 2013 he was awarded an MBE in the Queen's Birthday Honours for Services to Road Safety
Read our latest information here