Letter to MP

MPs set national speed limits whilst Councillors set them locally. Doctors are calling for an emergency change to the national speed limit to 20mph limit now - 20’s Plenty for the NHS.  Health services face their greatest ever challenge from Covid-19.  Every crash victim fewer frees up capacity for other sick people.  Empower your MP to demand the Government set an emergency 20mph national limit now. Example letter follows. Add your own reasons too. Please also circulate it to your elists, social media and ask friends to join in.   Continue reading

Letter to Press

Please write urgently to your local press calling for 20’s Plenty for the NHS.  The NHS faces its greatest ever challenge.  Every crash victim fewer frees up capacity for Covid-19 and other sick people.  Spread this message to empower your politicians to act. Example below based on Prof John Whitelegg’s letter to the Shropshire Star.   Continue reading

Letter to councillor

Councillors set local road speed limits whereas MPs set them nationally. Please write urgently to your Councillors calling for 20’s Plenty for the NHS.  Health services face their greatest ever challenge from this pandemic.  Every crash victim fewer frees up capacity for Covid-19.  Empower local politicians. Example letter below. Circulate it to your elists and social media.   Continue reading

Letter to local radio station

Please offer to speak on your local radio station about a national change to a 20mph limit for the NHS.  Health services are facing their greatest ever challenge from Covid-19.  Every road crash victim fewer frees up NHS capacity.  Spread this message to empower politicians. The example email to a radio station below is based on Prof John Whitelegg’s letter to the Shropshire Star.   Continue reading