Rod King commented on Local Transport Today Letter 2019-01-20 20:24:45 +0000Thank you for your comment Mr Taylor. Actually our name is “20’s Plenty for Us”, rather than “Twenty’s Plenty”. We were pleased that BBC Three Counties Radio interviewed us without the distraction of Mr Bladon. Generally speaking I think that regarding “walking the walk” we seem to be doing rather better than Mr Bladon. And with over half of the largest urban authorities and most of Inner London authorities agreeing that 20 is plenty where people walk then maybe we have more understanding of how to “walk the walk” than the small group of drivers who comprise the ABD.
Rod King commented on 30mph is Unjust and Unjustified: Choose 20mph 2019-01-13 18:48:46 +0000Dear Mr Taylor
Thank you for your comments and interest in 20mph limits. For the record, I was not referencing any social media, simply the results of a Google search.
I see plenty of faces that are quite pleased with bus lanes. They are the people in buses, the people cycling in them and also the many drivers who recognise that a bus full of people is actually a bus full of people that are not driving on the roads and causing congestion.
I have been driving for over 50 years much of it self employed or running a business. I have never felt that the road network posed any sort of problem. Of course there is some congestion caused by over-use and over-reliance on motorised transport.
It is interesting that you think 20mph is useful outside schools. I wonder how you expect children to reach “outside schools”? Do they not have to walk from their house to the school? Or would you prefer them to be driven and so add to the traffic that seems to be everyone else but yourself.
There is no evidence that “95% of drivers ignore them”. If you have a source for your claim please provide it. And also for the statement that “police cannot enforce them”. They do elsewhere. Try https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2018/01/15/20mph-headline-decided/
How to Talk to People Who Speed
When someone says they speed, it’s important to comment rather than be silent. How do we tackle this edgy topic? 20’s Plenty aims for social communication, changing norms to civilise built up roads. We say, listen to their story, aim to empathise and then explain how their speeding impacts upon you and society.
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Rod King commented on How the DfT report enables Local Authorities to implement Wide Area 20mph Limits 2019-10-03 09:35:34 +0100Jamie
Both Atkins report and the Norman letter say that there was a “significant” increase in cycling and walking.
The reference you gave is an abstract only. Being dated 2010 I doubt whether it has taken into account wide-area 20mph limits as implemented over the last decade.
We are all in favour of comprehensive measures to increase active travel. So are you. But please don’t blame our success at gaining widespread adoption of 20mph limits as per recommendations by WHO, ETSC, OECD, iRAP, Global Network of Road Safety Legislators, ADPH, RCPCH, Sustrans, BRAKE, RoadPeace, Living Streets, UK Cycling, etc as a reason for your own failure to to persuade local authorities to adopt other measures as fast as you would like.
Maybe if you were to concentrate on campaigning for what you want rather than campaigning against other fellow active travel activists then you would be more successful.
Rod King published DfT 20mph Evaluation - Reviewed by 20's Plenty in Press Releases 2018-12-06 22:37:45 +0000
DfT 20mph Evaluation - Reviewed by 20's Plenty
20’s Plenty for Us welcomes the publication of the long-awaited DfT Evaluation of 20mph limits. It confirms the public support and acceptance of 20mph limits but has failed to meet the original DfT objectives or provide increased evidence on how to make our streets safer.
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Do you TomTom?
...or why unrepresentative data is not reliable.
If you don't have a TomTom device in your vehicle then you may be surprised that if you live in one of the places recently researched by Atkins for the their Evaluation of 20mph limits then it doesn't matter how much you keep within the speed limit your considerate driving was completely ignored. And you wouldn't be alone. The report estimated that the actual number of drivers who were also ignored were in the 97% of vehicles who's speed they never measured.
Atkins and DfT decided that in order to gather information on vehicle speeds in 20mph streets in 12 case study 20mph areas and compare them with 3 other 30mph areas then they would use data captured from high end TomTom SatNavs or vehicles with in-built TomTom in-car devices. This is termed Floating Car Data (FCD).
You may therefore wonder just how accurate and representative their statistics and research were if it only included 3% of vehicles. We did as well, so we did some of our own research.
Rod King published Government publishes 20mph evaluation report in Press Releases 2018-12-06 09:09:02 +0000
Government publishes 20mph evaluation report
Today the government published its long awaited report evaluating 20mph limit implementations. We welcome the report. It has been a long time coming since 2014 when it was commissioned.
And in that time there have been nearly half a million casualties on streets with a 30mph limit.
The report only evaluated a small number of case studies which in themselves only covered part of an authority. There are some useful indicators in the report, particularly around the negative aspects of police failing to routinely enforce 20mph limits and the need for national engagement and awareness on the benefits of reducing speeds below 30mph in residential and other roads.
However, we have major reservations about the primary data used in the report around speed reductions and the complete failure of the study to look at sufficient casualty figures to be able to draw any conclusions that would be statistically credible. These were key reasons for the commissioning of the report and we are amazed at the choice of data measured which appears to be based on measuring what is available rather than what is meaningful.
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Wales Conference Voxpops
Here are the 60 second videos we recorded at our 20's Plenty for Wales Conference from presenters and delegates.
Note that this page may take a while to load.
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Rod King published 20’s Plenty for Wales – 20mph Conference Report: #20Wales in Briefings 2018-10-02 23:22:47 +0100
20’s Plenty for Wales – 20mph Conference Report: #20Wales
A sell out conference of 100 delegates met in Cardiff to share best practice on how to make streets healthier in Wales by reducing road risk at source through 20mph limits with a focus on 20mph as a national urban default.
Click on each presenter to open their presentation or 60 second voxpop
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Rod King commented on LA Enforcement explained 2018-09-13 16:10:49 +0100Not yet, but we believe that several are considering it.
Rod King commented on 20mph Signage Regulation Changes 2018-09-09 18:35:22 +0100Dear Graham
You will be pleased to know that on entering a 20mph limit or zone there is a large sign that is 600cm across or in diameter. In old units that is 2ft wide. Hence there is no reason why an aware driver would not notice such a sign. Its the same size as when you enter a 30mph limit. Indeed, it iss the same size as the one you say you noticed on exiting a limit.
20mph limits are now very common and 25% off the UK population live in local authorities where 20mph is the limit on most roads. Hence a 20mph limit should not be surprising at all. May I therefore suggest that if you feel that you may well not notice such signs then you should assume that the speed limit is 20mph and only proceed faster if you have noticed a 30mph sign.
Rod King commented on Police Enforcement 2022-04-12 13:52:02 +0100Thanks Gary. I guess you aren’t aware that for several decades the Secretary of State has not been required to approve a 20mph limit.
Any setting of a 20mph limit requires a Traffic Regulation Order that includes advertising and the ability for anyone to object. I guess you didn’t.
I can’t recall where I have said that you don’t need to take responsibility when crossing the road. But with 542 pedestrians killed on pavements in the last 13 years maybe the real focus should be on motorists taking responsibility when crossing the pavement.
Have a good day.
Rod King commented on How local authorities can enforce 20mph limits 2018-08-19 17:44:24 +0100Hi Eddie
The HOTA requirements may be found at http://library.college.police.uk/docs/NPCC/NPCC-(2016)-Speed-Red-light-Enforcement-Technology-Guide-v1-2-1-July2016.pdf. I see no reason why these cannot be maintained.
It may be funded in many ways, including speed awareness courses.
Local authorities are well versed in complying with any competition acts.
20mph Seminar in Scottish Parliament
I was delighted to be asked to speak at the seminar held in the Scottish Parliament building to discuss the private members bill for changing the national default limit for restricted roads in Scotland to 20mph. Local Authorities would be able to make appropriate exceptions where a 30mph limit would be retained for certain roads.
The text of my presentation follows :-
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Top 10 questions answered
Posted by Adrian Berendt · February 23, 2024 5:29 PM · 2 reactionsWhy Not Concentrate on ‘Special’ Locations for Road Safety?
Posted by Rod King · February 23, 2024 5:28 PM · 2 reactions20 Questions About 20’s Plenty Answered
See all posts
Posted by Rod King · April 28, 2019 3:05 PM
Rod King published Bristol’s 20mph limits have led to valuable reductions in speed and casualties, and benefit active travel in Press Releases 2018-02-12 20:44:10 +0000
Bristol’s 20mph limits have led to valuable reductions in speed and casualties, and benefit active travel
The University of the West of England (UWE) has analysed the impact of 20mph roll-outs for Bristol City Council. It finds reductions of 2.7mph in average traffic speeds and an estimated cost saving of over £15m per year from fatal, serious and slight injuries avoided.
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Rod King commented on How Public Health Professionals Can Help Win 20mph Limits 2018-01-21 17:36:31 +0000Dear Cllr Davies
I am somewhat troubled by your suggestion that motorists who exceed speed limits are behaving “responsibly”. The whole point of local traffic authorities setting speed limits is that they warn drivers of risks and hazards which they may otherwise be unaware .
By all means you may have a different opinion on what speed limit to set, and as a councillor you have every opportunity to have your opinion heard, but once set then it becomes mandatory regardless of your opinion. Any driver deeming himself or herself above the law deserves any sentence that breaking such a law involves.
May I remind you of the long held principle in the UK that elected representatives of the people set laws, a professional police force enforces laws and an independent judiciary sentences those who are found breaking those laws.
More 20mph Council Myths
Councillors and council officers don’t always tell the truth on 20mph limits. Here we bust some more of the common myths. See also part 1 http://www.20splenty.org/council_myths about A and B roads, current average speeds over 24mph, unsupportive police and collision history.
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Rod King commented on Get your info 2017-10-06 12:04:16 +0100Hi Carolyn
Try http://papers.sae.org/2007-01-0758/
I have approached Professor Strauss regarding access to the paper.
Founder & Campaign Director, 20's Plenty for Us
Rod King
Rod King founded 20's Plenty for Us in 2007
in 2013 he was awarded an MBE in the Queen's Birthday Honours for Services to Road Safety
Read our latest information here