Wiltshire Council misinforms public on 20mph zones outside schools
People in Wiltshire could think that their council is being progressive by its plans to allow schools to request a 20mph zone outside their school. Whilst in its press release it says :-
"We want to balance the needs of local people with the need to ensure children can travel to and from school safely, and I think this is a great way to do that"
and in its web news release actually shows a picture of a mandatory 20mph zone (you can tell its mandatory because it uses a red circle) but what we have confirmed with them is that it is actually only offering is an advisory temporary limit which any driver with knowledge of the highway code knows is not mandatory. In fact the actual speed limit on the road remains at 30mph.
We call upon Wiltshire council to stop misinforming its parents and children about its intentions and what they can request.
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20mph and its role in London's Vision Zero Plans
London is developing its Vision Zero Plan to reduce casualties on London roads. Here is our view on how 20mph limits fit into those plans.
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A Call for Safety Camera Enforcement of 20mph limits
Blog - by Anna Semlyen, 20’s Plenty for Us National Campaign Manager,
MSc Health Economics @AnnaSemlyen1 [email protected]
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20's Plenty responds to DfT Cycling and Walking Consultation
Our view is that the Cycling and Walking Investment Strategy will fail in its aim to create a walking and cycling nation. Our response follows :-
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Cycling and Walking Investment Strategy needs Vision
Last night I attended the DfT Cycling and Walking Investment Strategy briefing in Manchester. This is part of their consultation process on their "ambition" for walking and cycling in England. See https://www.gov.uk/government/consultations/draft-cycling-and-walking-investment-strategy
I came away underwhelmed at what they called a "strategy to create a walking and cycling nation". Whilst there was a collection of funds and packages that will support the encouragement of walking and cycling in some places and in some ways, there was no symbolic national gesture that the government really meant to create a "walking and cycling nation".
Those who are supporters of walking and cycling should respond to this consultation and make it very clear that the policy strategy lacks ambition and unless radically changed will make little difference to the promotion and development of walking and cycling in England.
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One year zone 30 in Ghent city center: rate drops and fewer accidents
We noticed this report on the success of the new Zone 30 in the Belgian city of Ghent. It may be viewed here but the English translation of the web page follows.
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Why is Welsh Government referencing obsolete 1993 guidance on 20mph limits
We note that the Welsh Government has recently issued a document for local authorities “Local air quality management interim policy guidance for Wales”[i].
We are pleased that it is only “interim” and only “guidance” because where it advises authorities on the subject of speed limits and air quality it has failed to take into account so much of the changes that have been taking place in the 21st century on the setting of speed limits in other parts of the UK.
[i] http://gov.wales/docs/desh/publications/160303-policy-guidance-en.pdf
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Ready for 20 Presentation
At the 7th annual 20mph Places conference in Guildhall, City of London, after a warm welcome from Cllr Michael Welbank MBE, I made my presentation on how 20's Plenty/Love 30 is a developing standard for streets. Here is the text of that presentation.
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Cheshire East Council to spend £1m telling drivers its not mandatory to go slower around schools and on community streets
Yes, it's true. Whilst across the North West councils are implementing mandatory and enforceable 20mph limits on community roads, including around schools, in Cheshire East (Macclesfield, Knutsford, Crewe, Wilmslow, Nantwich, Congleton, Holmes, Chapel, Middlewich..) the council is using expensive part-time signs that say slowing down to 20mph is advisory.
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Cheshire West & Chester Council Approve Borough-wide 20mph
I was delighted to attend the cabinet meeting last night where Cheshire West and Chester Council approved the delegation of powers to officers for the roll-out of mandatory 20mph limits for most residential roads throughout the borough. The local 20's Plenty for Chester group were celebrating the success of many years campaigning for 20mph limits and the developing public and political support for lower speed limits in community streets.
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2015 - The Tipping Point Year for 20's Plenty
At this time of the year it is traditional to take stock of achievements and progress in the preceding year. For 20’s Plenty for Us then perhaps 2015 will be seen as the “tipping point” when the whole campaign took on new dimensions and success. It does not mean that in 2015 we achieved our aims of delivering a 20mph limit as the norm for all residential streets in the UK, but was the year when we started to see that that aim was going to be deliverable in the foreseeable future.
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West Mercia Police support 20mph limits
Its good to see this recent communication from the Police and Crime Commissioner for West Mercia, Bill Longmore, after a meeting with the Chief Constable, David Shaw. The following statement was agreed by both :-
“The same criteria should be applied to 20mph as any other lawfully imposed speed limit. The force’s position is that if there is an evidence basis to merit a road having a 20mph speed limit we would expect local authorities to consider implementing that limit. We will then work with partners to enforce those limits applying the same approach we use on other speed limits.”
The full PCC response is shown below :-
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Main Roads & 20mph - Learning from Dundee's Errors
Yesterday the Roads and Transportation Department of Dundee presented a report to the city's Development Committee on "potential areas where 20mph speed limits could be implemented in the City of Dundee". Whilst we welcome the broad support for 20mph on residential roads we have real concerns that by emphatically excluding any principal roads the report ignores and misrepresents the current Scottish guidance.
The report references the Transport Scotland Guidance on 20mph Limits, yet both misrepresents that guidance and shows little understanding of either the issues or the legal requirements of the Equality Act 2010.
This blog therefore provides our critique of the report from Transportation Department.
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Shire Counties and 20mph Limits
Many of the shire counties have been behind the urban authorities in implementing 20mph limits. This blog explores some of the statements made by councils in explaining their reluctance to implement and how most of them use a false interpretation of current government guidance.
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Safety Cameras
A Call for Safety Camera Enforcement of 20mph limits
by Anna Semlyen, 20’s Plenty for Us National Campaign Manager
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France expands 20mph (30km/h) cities
French cities are adopting wide-area 30km/h (20mph) limits with their 30 zones. Here we reproduce a translated page of "Rue de l'Avenir" website who campaign for better a better and more live-able urban environment in France.
You can view the original page (in French) here
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30mph limits for restricted roads
Another question is about the current 30mph limits and how this is determined by street lighting rather than any conscious decision by the local traffic authority to set such a limit.
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Limits or Zones
And here is another question answered where I explain the difference between a 20mph limit and a 20mph zone
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Police Enforcement
Last year someone sent me the following email question :-
You offer assistance with any claims by police forces that 20mph limits (zones?) are not enforceable. Any advice concerning the following would be appreciated.
The County Councillor was recently reported as saying that the police have advised him that the local 20mph zone is not enforceable and the only action that can be taken is to charge a motorist exceeding the 20mph limit with dangerous or careless driving. Currently he is refusing to explain his remarks. The minutes of a recent meeting of the parish council record ”due to recent changes in legislation/regulation the Parish Council may apply for enforceable action against speeding in the 20mph zone” and “Update from Police: Recent change in legislation has enabled enforcement codes for individual 20mph zones to be applied for”. Currently the chair of that meeting is unable to explain what was meant. Does any of this mean anything to you?
I am aware of the ACPO Speed Enforcement Policy Guidelines and DfT Setting Local Speed Limits. Currently it seems like a ‘smoke screen’ so any clue to the meaning of these statements and any guidance concerning how to question these statements would be appreciated
My answer follows
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Welcome to Our new web site
When 20's Plenty for Us was set up in 2007 a website was seen as a crucial way to provide the resources for local campaigns to understand the guidance and basis for 20mph speed limits. It has provided a key platform for us to communicate with so many people throughout the country and indeed around the world.
But internet technologies change and with the advent of social marketing then we need a far more integrated approach to communication that combines reference material, news, newsgroup, social marketing and emails. We are pleased to be working with a new NationBuilder website which will bring all of those together in one integrated platform to better inform and support our campaign and communities........
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