We noticed this report on the success of the new Zone 30 in the Belgian city of Ghent. It may be viewed here but the English translation of the web page follows.
Almost one year after the introduction of the 'zone 30' in the city of Ghent shows that the average speed of vehicles decreased significantly and the number of accidents declined by ten per cent. "Ghent is safer for all road users, which is one of the main objectives of our mobility policy," said Ghent ships of Mobility and Public Works Filip Watteeuw (Green). "Before the introduction of the 'zone 30' over the entire area within the R40 were conducted in 32 streets velocity" Watteeuw clarified. "Those measurements also went through after its introduction. The comparison shows that in 29 blocks, the average rate of 85 per cent of the vehicles (V85 line) is reduced from 40 km / h to 36 km / h. In three blocks increased speed very light and 1 block rate remained unchanged. The streets with the most significant declines are Tolhuislaan, Krommewal, Dampoortstraat, Ham Denomination Right and High Street. "
Since the introduction of the zone 30, there are also ten per cent fewer accidents happened. The number of accidents with minor injuries fell by 22 per cent and accidents with serious injuries by 26 per cent.
Filip Watteeuw reacts satisfied. "The introduction of the zone 30 in the whole city is one of the first achievements of the Mobility. The measurements show that the zone 30 operates. Is driven more slowly, allowing for all road users Ghent safer. A safe, livable city, that is what we strive for. "
Mayor Daniel Termont also supports the same path. "We are doing well in terms of mobility and we continue like this: we continue to sensitize drivers to their speed to adjust, we continue to monitor the places where there are driving too fast, including through the deployment of Lidarflitspaal" it sounds.
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