We know corona virus has made face to face activism hard. Yet the need to reduce speeds still exits. Tactics will evolve. There’s plenty of good news on places respecting road users by going 20mph.
UK Places – Hereford’s full Council on 6 March passed a motion to ask that the “executive undertakes an investigation concerning the introduction of area-wide 20mph speed limits across Herefordshire’s towns and major villages”[1]. It was proposed by deputy leader Felicity Norman and housing, regulatory services, and community safety cabinet member Ange Tyler. All of the TfL controlled roads inside the London Congestion Charging Zone went 20mph on 2nd March.
Global 20mph was mandated as global best practice www.20splenty.org/global_ministers_mandate_20mph in the “Stockholm Declaration” on 20 February. Representatives from 130 countries committed to 30km/h (20mph) speed limits where vulnerable road users and vehicles mix including Under-Secretary of State for Transport Baroness Vere of Norbiton who represented the UK. We await announcements of changes to national policy for England. Wales has committed to a default 20mph limit.
USA – St Paul and Minneapolis has adopted 20mph limits for residential streets in its Vision Zero casualty reduction plan. Staff from both cities will install or change more than 1,000 speed signs on city-owned streets. New, lower 25 mph speed limits on larger, arterial city-owned streets will go into effect as soon as they are signed. Once busier streets are signed, “gateway signs” will be installed at entry points in both cities, indicating the citywide speed limit is 20 mph unless otherwise posted, and a 20mph limit on local residential streets will be in effect. They will generally not be posting 20 mph signs on local residential streets. www.visionzerompls.com/ and www.stpaul.gov/speedlimits has details.
New Briefing So you want .. Sustainable Transport? http://www.20splenty.org/sustainable_transport Is increasing sustainable transport, like dieting, as simple as asking individuals to drive less and exercise more? No! Travel structures and societal norms don’t fully support the healthier choices as we’re afraid of injuries and dirty air. Politicians must prioritise road safety to nudge people’s travel choices. 30kmh/20mph limits are foundational for mode shift from private car use to feet, cycles and public transport. Supporting walking and cycling is even more key in times of social distancing.
County- Wide Campaigning - Cheshire East is our latest county wide campaign We strongly suggest if there isn’t yet a county coordinator for your county that you need one http://www.20splenty.org/countybriefing
Bulk buy 20mph stickers – eg 200 x A3 size stickers are £250 inc postage, or 150 for £183.50. Go for it! https://20splentyforus.nationbuilder.com/purchase_wbs Smaller sizes are available too for cars, windows, bikes.
Presentations Ask us to present by video link. Or for help with presentation slides.
Recruit more people and tell us how to help! 20’s Plenty is a grassroots organisation with many volunteers working to make their place a better place to be. We’ve 455+ branches and are free to join. New branch leaders get a free starter pack, templates etc http://www.20splenty.org/setupacampaign. Please tell us what you want more of. Talk about us and recruit others to make a real difference locally. Ring Anna anytime on 07572 120439 for advice or support. Thanks for all you do.
[1] Hereford 20mph motion text: https://bit.ly/33yGX6g
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