Fourth UN Global Road Safety Week

Welcome to our page dedicated to the Fourth UN Global Road Safety Week organised by the World Health Organization and with whom we have been developing a Toolkit for #SLOWDOWN DAYS in the week from 8th to 14th May 2017.


#SLOWDOWN DAYS will be community activism days around the world where communities will call upon drivers and politicians to set lower speed limits and drive within those limits. One of the key calls will be for a 20mph or 30km/h limit where there is conflict between motor vehicles and vulnerable road users.



20's Plenty for Us has been working for the World Health Organization to develop a #SLOWDOWN DAY Toolkit to be used by communities around the world and made available in several languages. See our Press Release.


20's Plenty for Us has issued a Call to Action to its campaigners and will be co-ordinating events in our campaigns for the week.

Watch this page for more information soon.

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