Plan Your 20mph Campaign: A Checklist

Campaigning for a 20mph can be a great way to win back your streets for your community. Some campaigns are small and others involve hundreds. We don’t say what’s right for you community but we will help all of those who are campaigning for wide-area 20mph limits. 

We don’t expect you to do everything on this checklist, but it may give you some great ideas. Choose them to maximize the effect of your time and your success. And as in many projects a little planning will help you achieve your aims. Planning a 20mph campaign involves deciding what actions to do, in what order, by whom. It can help to gather a team, agree what to do and delegate tasks. Teamworking gives access to more skills, time and energy.

Winning 20mph limits involves deciding what resources you can call on and how to use them to get change. This checklist aims to give ideas and links. We have a road map! Where are you with your campaigning and what’s possibly next on the list?  Remember that it’s your campaign. Please feel free to go with your ideas for what will work best where you live as you know your local circumstances. 


Possible Actions


Who ?


Join 20’s Plenty   Free. Can be 2 leaders Choose a name (e.g. 20’s Plenty for Place name). Get a free email  <place name>



Optional website/FB/ twitter

You can ask [email protected] for free template website. Add local info/links/photos. Set up your own Facebook or twitter



Educate yourself on 20mph limits

Read & the free starting campaign pack from [email protected] The Slow Down Toolkit  for ideas on street based activities. Myths



Who’s the key target to influence?

Search your council website. Find cabinet member for transport Councillor contact details. Ask about their priorities and how 20mph fits.



Mailing list -Councillors, media,

Copy all Councillor emails from site. Send to [email protected] Also send Dir of public health & police



Pick a logo/visual message. Buy stickers has graphics. Make an “I support slower speeds in <your town>” poster. Add contact details



Tell local media

Template press release from [email protected]



Start a petition

Ask [email protected] for a paper template. Or or “We hereby petition <highway authority name> for a default 20mph speed limit in <place name>”



Clipboard your petition

Go door to door, or where people wait eg outside schools. Consider selling stickers / giving out posters too. Leave petitions with others.



Do a 20mph street stall or fair stall

Perhaps set up a stall on 20mph limits somewhere that people might stop and talk to you/sign your petition. Ask for donations.



Drive at 20mph

Display a car window or bumper sticker to explain why



Print Some Leaflets

Make local leaflets on why 20’s Plenty. [email protected] has templates



Do you need sponsors / Donors / Funding

Consider if you want o ask for sponsors/funds eg local improvement money to buy stickers/ print leaflets



Find volunteers. Form a committee

Ask friends, neighbours, Facebook contacts, letter to press, advert on volunteer site/ neighbourhood networks. Begin supporter lists eg email or as a Facebook page, twitter followers/at fairs etc



Link with more groups

Link with other 20’s Plenty branches, or Friends of the Earth, Women’s Institute, Local improvement groups etc. Offer talks on 20mph to other groups and ask for their support/logo



Regular meetings

Invite key supporters somewhere with free room hire. Decide on your plan & delegate jobs eg who’ll get petition names from which streets.



Write press letters to raise awareness

Ideally decide a schedule of letters to the press from those with different characteristics eg a parent, road victim, disabled person etc monthly



Meet media editors

Ask the local press/radio etc to back your campaign



Meet the Director of Public Health

Find his/her contact details on your council site



Meet the Police & Crime Commissioner

Google them & set up a meeting.




Depending on when the next election is, ask for 20mph in party manifestos. A party member is best to put this forward for each party



Take photos

Photograph key people holding 20mph posters/stickers



Make a short video

Video your street and post it on your site/facebook or video an endorsement from a local hero



Political composition analysis

Consider the political composition of your council. Work out how each party would probably vote. How many yes votes are likely for 20mph?



Meet with Party Groups. 

Explain wide 20mph & answer questions. Starting with largest group



Public meeting

Organise a public meeting on 20mph limits. Invite the press along. Some campaigns have organised a local conference with many speakers.



Get 20mph on local Council Agendas



Register to speak & lobby for a yes

When 20mph is on an agenda, register to speak. Send your speech by email in advance to all Councillors.  Lobby for a yes vote promise in advance.




Organise a demo eg supporters holding posters at a meeting & take photos



Photo opportunity or fun visual action

Set up a photo opportunity eg an art trail, logo competition or a slow down day



Respond to news

For instance, if there is a serious crash/ 20mph news then submit your views



Full Council Motion



Thank yous

When you win a vote - thank all Councillors who voted yes to 20mph limits.



Ask for scrutiny if the leading group said no

Scrutiny is a back bench committee that does research on policy options



Celebrate 20mph

Celebrate wins, eg with press releases or perhaps a street party



Driver education

Work with public health to design and deliver a driver education campaign to explain the benefits of 20mph limits to raise driver compliance



Speed watch

Offer to help the police with community speed watch to raise compliance



Media work

Keep 20mph in the media. Positive press stories to make 20mph normal



Ask for help

If you’re unsure what to do next, ask [email protected]



 Good luck. Remember that you are not alone. We are here to help and there are over 360 campaign branches of 20’s Plenty for Us working toward making 20mph limits normal where they live.  Once those limit signs go in, the hearts and minds campaign continues to educate drivers to understand why so that they voluntarily go slower.

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