Viv Burdon's activity stream

  • commented on Form a campaign 2016-01-12 16:41:13 +0000
    Hello, I am coordinating action in my street calling on the Borough council to reduce the speeds and possibly volumes of vehicles using our road as a rat run. We have established contact with the council through a petition signed by approximately 75% of residents calling on the council to look into the matter with a view to addressing the issues that concern us. we have had a very positive response and Council Officers have engaged with us, providing advice on how to build and refine our campaign demands through the 20s plenty for us idea and DIY Streets (SUSTRANS). We have been encouraged in the first instance to submit a request (demonstrably backed by the majority of residents) calling for a 20 mph speed limit. I a writing now to ask what sort of help you can give us in formalising our 20splentyforus campaign and more specifically help with drafting the wording for our petition to the borough council. Thank you for your help. Viv Burdon