Setting national 20mph / 30kmh limit Webinar

30mph / 50kmh speeds aren’t cutting it for our 21st century lives. They’ve already been rejected by Spain, Wales and local authorities covering 1/3rd of UK population as not fit for purpose. Attend a free webinar on Thursday 20 May at 2.30pm for UN Global Road Safety Week on how nations are setting national default 20mph/30kmh for urban and village #streetsforlife.

Legislating for a norm speed of 20mph/30kmh (with appropriate exceptions) makes streets better places to live, work, shop and learn – a fact endorsed by 130 nations. It’s UN and WHO policy. To support safe, healthy, sustainable lifestyles national governments are legislating for normalising 20mph/30kmh in urban areas for better value for money, consistency, messaging and results.

• Hear how Spain becomes first country to set its national urban 30km/h default in May 2021 and Wales is planning a national 20mph default for 2023.
• Learn the benefits of a national implementation over city by city.
• Hear the WHO, medical and campaigner view on a 20mph limit as urban/village norm.

Chair and speakers are :-
• Deborah Sims, Senior Vice President, Chartered Institution of Highways & Transportation. (Chair)
• Lee Waters, Deputy Minister for Climate Change, Wales (subject to confirmation)
• Álvaro Gómez Méndez, Head of the National Road Safety Observatory, DGT, Spain.
• Nhan Tran, Head of Safety and Mobility, World Health Organisation.
• Scarlett McNally, Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon, Eastbourne DGH
• Richard Thorold, Trustee, Louis Thorold Foundation
• Rod King MBE, Founder and Campaign Director, 20’s Plenty for Us

After short presentations there will be a panel discussion answering questions.

Register via Its free of charge and is relevant for MPs, Mayors,
Councillors, Police and Crime Commissioners, Directors of Public Health and campaigners. runs 17 – 23 May 2021 and its sole call is default speed limit reduction to
20mph / 30kmh in urban and village places. The 2nd Decade of action on Road Safety is till 2030.

To ask for a national 20mph limit it takes just 2 minutes to email your MP via

Normalising 20mph/30kmh means fewer casualties, is cost-effective and overwhelmingly popular.

“30mph isn’t fit for purpose, National politicians should lead on making 20mph / 30kmh normal by law. Else local authorities are encumbered with explaining speed reductions as exceptions, against the backdrop of the national 30mph / 50kmh as a problem imposed on them. Failure at National level to update to best practice is damaging people’s well being. We can and must build back better with the new normal being 20mph/30kmh.” 

Rod King MBE, Founder and Campaign Director for 20’s Plenty for Us commented

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