There’s news from Wales, Scotland and Bristol, updates on speed limiters and climate emergency. Also save the date for our 31st October conference.
Wales agreed a national default 20mph limit. In a huge win for all Welsh 20mph campaigners Lee Waters (deputy Transport Minister/former CEO of Sustrans Wales – a proponent of active travel) – confirmed that he will establish a task group on implementation. It’s to be chaired by Phil Jones (author of Wales Active Travel Design Guidance) and Rod King MBE Director of 20’s Plenty for Us is a member. See on this historic announcement.
Scotland’s Safer Streets Bill for default 20mph isn’t supported by the Rural Economy and Connectivity Committee (RECC). We are dismayed. The RECC views are illogical, innumerate and deeply flawed. Our response is at Michael Matheson, the Scottish Transport Minister hasn’t yet given his support either. is our reply to his rhetoric. Watch our 6 min 10 reasons video on why the Scottish Government should support at Take Action: Please contact your MSP to support the Safer Streets bill via or email [email protected] We need the SNP to vote for 20mph in Parliament on Thursday June 13th.
Speed Limiting Technology / 20mph Conference Date 31 October 2019 Waltham Forest is the venue and we will focus on compliance. Confirmed speakers include Lee Waters Deputy FM from Wales and a European Transport Committee expert on in-car technology. The EU has made fitting speed limiters and black box recorders to all new cars from 2022 compulsory. It revolutionises compliance.
Bristol reviewed the massive success that is their 20mph scheme. Limits are popular and saving money. Eight roads will be augmented for compliance. 4.53 fatalities, 11.3 serious injuries and 159.3 slight injuries are avoided annually- worth over £15m in prevention for a £2.7m cost 20mph limit payback was 2-3 months.
Council Elections. We wrote a briefing on asking new Councillors for their 20mph viewpoint. We ask all campaigners to compile lists of Unitary or County Councillors and collect the names of supporters of default 20mph, especially leading group or coalition party members. In counties with multiple campaign groups, ideally you’d agree who does which Councillors between you.
A Climate Emergency was declared by English and Scottish Parliaments and many local Councils. Please aim to convince your Councillors that 20mph is part of the transport solution with arguments from our Climate blog 20mph reduces fuel use, emissions and leads to traffic reduction as some drivers switch to walking, cycling or public transport. Diesel especially is in the limelight as more toxic to child health than previously known especially after the ‘dieselgate’ emissions data tampering scandals. 20mph offers a part solution as 20mph limits are equivalent to taking half the petrol cars off the road
London News Richmond upon Thames agreed borough wide 20mph limits (except a couple of major A roads) in February 2019. TfL announced in July 2018 that 20mph will be the limit for all roads in the Congestion Charging Zone by 2020.
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