Gina Dowding commented on Manchester Found Casualties Falling in its 20mph Areas 2017-03-11 11:52:19 +0000Please can you explain this statement further ?
“Speeds fell an average of -0.7mph. Experience of the introduction of 20mph limits in other cities is similar. But average speeds are a crude measure of “pace” and “feel” of a road which is so important to active travel and liveability.”
I am completely behind the move to 20mph but are average reductions in speed only really less that 1mph ?
Also – if other streets are becoming ‘safer’ in non 20 mph areas – can that be linked to an effect on over all carefulness of drivers?
Gina Dowding
Green Party Lancashire County Councillor for Lancaster Central. Mum. Loves cycling and being busy. fortunately.
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