Iain Maclennan's activity stream

  • donated 2018-05-03 09:58:56 +0100

    Wheelie Bin Stickers

    Here you can purchase our Wheelie Bin Stickers. These are 35cm x 25cm in size and made of durable sticky backed vinyl.

    Prices are:-









    Total price inc discount, post and packing








    To place an order click on the relevant amount on the left for the quantity you require, click 'next' to enter your address before making the payment. Please allow 3-5 days for delivery.

    If you require a larger quantity or delivery outside of the UKemail us for a quotation.

    *After entering details a button showing "Continue to PayPal" will take you to a page where you can either pay by PayPal or a Credit/Debit Card.


  • commented on Form a campaign 2016-10-11 20:16:01 +0100
    Hello. I would like to set up a 20 Is Plenty campaign here in my village, Alverstone, in the Isle of Wight. Could you give me a bit of a steer as to how best to get the ball rolling? Thanks. Iain