20mph Limits are a "multi-agency" Win

With limited budgets it's crucial for public agencies to maximise value. Collaborating on 20mph limits brings lasting behaviour change and safer, quality streets.

Elected Councillors, MPs, officers in highways or public health departments and agencies like the NHS, police and emergency services all aim to improve the lives of the public they serve. Cooperating on 20mph limits adds more value.  Total 20 – signed, wide-area 20mph limits - is a transport policy that hits many buttons – safety, health, environment, community, prevention, obesity, pollution, cycling, walking, asthma/ lung health, heart disease, mental health and noise reduction whilst also saving society money.  Marketing is key.  Partners that unite to pool funds and expertise are most likely to persuade drivers that going a little slower is in everyone’s interests. 


The diagram shows how different bodies have overlapping duties to reduce road danger or care for people. The Council has responsibility for road safety and public health through the Health and Wellbeing Boards. Also for reducing congestion and improving air quality. The police control road speed enforcement and the NHS Trusts and Clinical Commissioning Groups provide health services.  20mph helps solve so many problems that it’s in everyone’s interests to co-operate.

Reducing road danger and 20mph is in the overlapping middle section where aims align.


Getting partners round a table is ideal. Sharing resources where each agency offers contributions makes sense so that 20mph limits will be both more consistently marketed to drivers and compliance improve.  Joint press releases and marketing on why 20mph benefits safety and quality of life aids public understanding of the many advantages of slower speeds.

The PCT funded perception surveys and community engagement with £265k.  Market testing and motivational research was done.  Multiple social media (web, FaceBook, Twitter), celebrity and community videos and co-production marketing are used.  Bristol City Council, The University of the West of England and NHS also partnered on 20mph social marketing research by Sarah Toy of Bristol Social Marketing Centre - Delivering soft measures to support signs-only 20mph limits.  Extensive public health promotion on 20 mph limits is new territory where imaginative partnerships will really pay dividends.  Getting decision makers together to issue joint press releases is worth the effort!

20’s Plenty for Us can share best practice e.g. on marketing campaigns and getting multi-agency partners talking and working as one. Please contact us for help.

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