Healthy roads have slow speed limits. Roads and pavements make up most of the public realm. Wide 20mph limits affordably and effectively tackle fear, injury risks, child protection, obesity and health inequalities whilst raising fitness through active travel.
Many Public health experts want for 20mph limits as the default for lit roads. Nearly 13m people live in authorities with this policy. Anyone interested in healthier roads is invited to learn facts on why and how to get 20mph at the Time for 20 conference on 18th February in Camden Town Hall.
Dr Nick Cavill, Adrian Davies and Prof Alan Tapp will show evidence of health improvement and the overwhelming popularity of 20mph. 20mph is the top evidenced based policy to raise British people’s regular exercise levels according to a Public Health England and LGA report. On 13 November2013 the “Obesity and the environment: increasing physical activity and active travel” Dr Nick Cavill and Professor Harry Rutter show that 20mph is the best way to improve exercise levels by raising walking and cycling levels over 20%. Bristol found a return of £24 per £1 spent on increasing walking[1].
Wide 20mph limits is Prof Danny Dorling’s key policy for improved health equalities in the British Academy Collection "If you could do one thing…" Nine local actions to reduce health inequalities due for release on 16th January[2]
Duncan Selbie, Chief Exec of Public Health England used 20mph limits as an example for Public Health Directors of how they can provide visible, accessible and practical evidence to local authorities to benefit community health and “reduce child accidents and deaths by an important margin”[i][3]
The Public Health benefits of wide area 20mph limits are increasingly clear[4], particularly for a population based approach to raise active travel to raise fitness levels and lower obesity. Early deaths from inactivity and CHD hugely outnumber road fatalities by at least 12 to one. 20mph limits help families to live better quality lives for less money[5].
Rod King MBE Founder of the 20’s Plenty for Us National 20mph Campaign will run a workshop on 20mph limits at a Public Health England/NICE/LGA conference on 28th January[6].
The ‘Time for 20’ conference on 18th February in Camden recognises that the UK is transitioning to a national limit of 20mph for roads in built up areas. 20’s Plenty for Us is asking the Department for Transport to allow signing exceptions to 20mph. Updating signage rules halve implementation costs. Public Health professionals, Local Authority representatives, Transport Officers, Police and others can book into Time for 20 via Full programme at
[2] British Academy
[3] Duncan Selbie
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