Ready for 20 Conference

Use your Early Bird Discount before 10th Feb to get a 40% reduction in delegate fees. See below.

We are delighted that our 7th annual 20mph conference is being hosted by the City of London Corporation in the Guildhall. The event is organised with Landor Links and will focus on providing information for authorities, transport organisations, NGOs and campaigners.

Wide area 20mph limits are being adopted in most of the UK’s iconic cities and there is pressure for 20mph to become the national default limit where people live, work, shop and learn.

The recognition of benefits from setting such a standard now go far beyond road danger reduction to include a more attractive public realm, public health, active travel, noise and emission reduction, traffic reduction, etc. and are complementary to so many other public realm interventions. It is also being adopted around the world in the form of a 30kmh limit for urban and community spaces and as an essential element in a “safe system” approach to road safety.

After a welcome from our hosts, the City of London Corporation, 20's Plenty for Us will present how 20mph and 30km/h limits are being adopted throughout the UK and across Europe.

Our capital perspectives session will feature representatives from London and Edinburgh talking about their approach to the roll-out of 20mph limits and what it means for those who work and live there. The City of London completed its roll-out for most streets in mid 2013, whilst the City of Edinburgh has had a successful pilot in the Southside area of the city and will be commencing a city-wide roll-out in July 2016. Transport for London will be looking at the use of 20mph limits on its road network.

Our analytical perspectives session will lead with the first interim public presentation by Atkins who have been commissioned by the Dept for Transport to analyse and report on the effectiveness of 20mph limit implementations to date. It will provide a common methodology for analysis of the many places with maturing 20mph limits and look at the outcomes on a wide range of issues, including road casualties, speeds, noise, active travel, public health and liveability.

The City of Bristol completed its wide-area 20mph limit program in 2015 and will present how its implementation has resulted in more democratic streets. The link between lower speed limits and health will be made in a presentation by Transport for London.

With the London Mayoral elections approaching we have invited the key candidates to present their vision for Transport in the capital and we are delighted that Sian Berry has accepted that offer. Mark Platt will be presenting the Lib-DEm plan for transport in London

Our final session takes a variety of community perspectives on speed and 20mph limits. We will hear from the Road Safety Markings Association who are the people that are developing a wide range of ways of keeping drivers informed of the prevailing limit. The Parliamentary Advisory Committee on Transport Safety will outline the Safe Systems approach to road safety and how speed is an important element in collision avoidance. Ultimately it is councillors who hold the responsibility for setting local speed limits and it will be interesting to hear this perspective from Cllr Jennifer Brathwaite of the London Borough of Lambeth.

And finally we will hear from one of the many thousands of campaigners around the country who are looking to "make their places better places to be as 20's Plenty for Tunbridge Wells present on the community perspective.

The conference will be held in The LIvery Hall, Guildhall, Gresham St, City of London see here for directions.

Our agenda for the day will be :- 







Coffee and Registration





Morning Chair

Rod King MBE

Campaign Director

20's Plenty for Us


Welcome from City of London

Michael Welbank MBE

Chairman of the Planning and Transportation Committee

City of London Corporation


20's Plenty/Love 30  - a developing urban standard for streets

Rod King MBE

Campaign Director

20's Plenty for Us


Capital  Perspectives





Transport for London

Ruth Salmon

Principle Strategy Planner, Road Safety

Transport for London


City of London

Iain Simmons

Head of Transportation

City of London Corporation



Phil Noble

Senior Professional Officer

City of Edinburgh Council


Q and A










Analytical Perspectives





An evaluation of 20mph limits - Interim Report for DfT

Jane Robinson/Nicky Newman

Senior Management Consultant, Highways and Transportation



An evidence-based journey towards democratic streets

Adrian Davis

Public Health Bristol

Bristol City Council


The role of 20 mph in delivering Healthy Streets

Lucy Saunders

Public Health Specialist

Transport for London


Q and A










Afternoon Chair

Iain Simmons

Assistant Director

City of London Corporation


London Mayoral Perspectives





My Transport Plan for London

Sian Berry

London Mayoral Candidate

Green Party


A Transport Plan for London

Mark Platt

Vice-chair London Region

Liberal Democrat Party


Q and A



20’s Plenty Local Campaigner of the Year

 Anna Semlyen

 Campaign Manager

20’s Plenty for Us


Comfort Break





Community Perspectives on 20's Plenty





20mph on the ground - our people put it there!

Liam Sheanon

Policy & Membership Officer

Road Safety Markings Association


Safe System - Safe Speeds

David Davies

Executive Director



20's Plenty from a Councillor Perspective

Cllr Jennifer Brathwaite

Cabinet Member for Environment and Sustainability

London Borough of Lambeth


20's Plenty for our community

Adrian Berendt

Local 20's Plenty Campaigner

20's Plenty for Tunbridge Wells


20’s Plenty – an engagement toolkit

Nicola Wass




Q and A









We look forward to seeing councillors, council officers, public health professionals, transport consultants and community campaigners at  the conference. We have an excellent group of speakers for the day and the presentations will include many new insights and evidence on the way that wide-area 20mph limits are being deployed. Whatever your role, this conference will enable you to be more informed on the issues and ensure that you can be Ready for 20 when it happens in your community.


Bookings may be made at the Landor Transport Xtra website 

For Scottish authorities we will also be holding a conference in Edinburgh on 8th June. This will put similar issues into a Scottish context where appropriate. More information will be available nearer the time.

Open Conference Flyer

  • February 26, 2016 at 10:00am – 4:35pm
  • The LIvery Hall, Guildhall
    Gresham Street
    London EC2V 7HH
    United Kingdom
    Google map and directions
  • Rod KIng

    07973 639781