Prioritise 20mph: A 'Can Do' Policy for all Residents
Elected representatives must prioritise which policy ideas to action first based on factors like maximising the benefits, how easy policies are to deliver, achieving cross-party consensus, manifesto promises and responding to community asks. 20mph limits tick all the boxes since they benefit all age groups, genders and rich and poor alike. 20mph limits are a proven, affordable, popular and ‘can-do’ policy.
Read more20mph: Think BIG for BIG Results & Culture Change
Many communities want a culture change in how public spaces are shared. It takes a shift in thinking for BIG results - away from car dominance towards streets for people. Wide area 20mph limits are essential to move us in the right direction in our travel and exercise habits. Public Health and many other things improve at 20mph.
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We love our safer 20mph limits
We’re celebrating 20mph. People love 20mph limits as they are proven safer and healthier. 20mph is nearly fatality-free (3% vs 20% fatalities at 30mph). Both UK results and published literature says we are better protected on 20mph streets. Those who care want 20mph limits.
Read moreLessons learnt on 20mph limit implementation
Hindsight informs future best practice. We ask “What could be done differently?” 20mph implementers have shared their experience in a Brake webinar and with 20’s Plenty for Us.
Read moreBusting the 20mph Limit Myths
Here we "bust" all the 20mph myths that opponents so often use as an argument against implementing an appropriate limit for residential, urban and village streets
Read moreEngagement is more cost effective than consultation on 20mph
The aim of 20mph limits is slower speeds. High compliance is gained by positive engagement rather than just asking resident’s views.
Read moreTotal 20 - Getting it Right
Total 20 has exceptional investment returns. It is a transport intervention like no other which really benefits from multi-agency collaboration. Signed, mandatory 20mph limits without humps is much more about ‘social engagement’ than ‘traffic engineering’. Coordinated and sustained marketing of 20mph benefits will best raise driver awareness, compliance and contribute to making better communities.
Read moreWide 20mph Limits are Effective
Lower speeds improve streets. 20mph raises safety and quality of life. Signed 20mph limits are proven effective. Maximising compliance is key. Behaviour change is through engagement and light enforcement.
This 2-page briefing sets out the wide evidence that 20mph limits are beneficial to communities.
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