How we can help
20's Plenty for Us is a movement of tens of thousands of people - members of the public, councillors and professionals - all helping to make our communities and our streets better for all. If there is no 20’s Plenty for Us group near you, we'd be delighted to help you start one. Benefits of joining 20's Plenty for Us include:
* A campaign starter pack and support from our team - Rod, Anna, Jeremy, Sue and Adrian
* An email address [email protected]
* The ability to mail your local press releases to the national press. Please send press contact emails to [email protected]
* An invitation to join our Facebook campaigner group page here where you can swap information with other campaigners
...Knowing that you are not alone in wanting your place to be a better place to be
Elsewhere on our website, you can find information on 20mph and resources help you to start or build a 20's Plenty campaign for your place. Most of our services are free to use, but we welcome donations to enable us to help more communities
Please follow us on Facebook and on Twitter @20splentyforus for the latest news and information.
20's Plenty for Us is a "grass-roots" organisation based in the community. We both celebrate successes and help solve issues. Please ask us.