Form a campaign

We already have 100s of local campaigns through the country.  If you don't have one near you, we'd be delighted to help you set one up.  In this video, our campaign manager, Anna Semlyen, explains how we can help you get a 20mph limit for your streets. 

To get your campaign started, we recommend your visit our Information page as a starting point where you will find Briefing Sheets on 20mph limits and our latest Press Releases and monthly e-news. We have a specific briefing sheet on How to Set Up a Campaign, a Campaign Planning Checklist and a Campaigning Flowchart to plot the route to helping your politicians to set 20mph limits.

Please don't hesitate to contact us to see how you can join the millions of people that already live in communities in the UK where 20mph is the norm.

We've helped hundred of communities to make their streets more liveable and we're here to help you.


Showing 63 reactions

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  • Lisa Blakemore
    commented 2015-10-29 23:03:31 +0000
    I am a local campaigner who has campaigned to save Derbyshire’s school crossing patrols, however our council chose to ignore the majority. I would initially like to start a campaign in the area where I live with hope that DCC will push it out throughout the county. I would love to hear from you on the best way to do this.
  • Rod King
    commented 2015-10-07 13:34:53 +0100
    Thanks Mirrin. We will be contacting you to explain how we help local campaigns.
  • Mirrin Lewis
    commented 2015-10-06 18:36:43 +0100
    Hi there, how does one go about forming a campaign please?