Form a campaign

We already have 100s of local campaigns through the country.  If you don't have one near you, we'd be delighted to help you set one up.  In this video, our campaign manager, Anna Semlyen, explains how we can help you get a 20mph limit for your streets. 

To get your campaign started, we recommend your visit our Information page as a starting point where you will find Briefing Sheets on 20mph limits and our latest Press Releases and monthly e-news. We have a specific briefing sheet on How to Set Up a Campaign, a Campaign Planning Checklist and a Campaigning Flowchart to plot the route to helping your politicians to set 20mph limits.

Please don't hesitate to contact us to see how you can join the millions of people that already live in communities in the UK where 20mph is the norm.

We've helped hundred of communities to make their streets more liveable and we're here to help you.


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  • Andrew Williams B.Sc. Psych.
    commented 2016-07-22 11:44:55 +0100
    I am a concerned resident of Church Stretton, Shropshire.

    Speeding is rife here in the Strettons.

    Deaths are a usual news item on the A49 which passes the town/village of Church Stretton and the hamlets of Little Stretton and All Stretton.

    A ‘mentioned’ speed (although with non factual evidence) for the A49, South of Shrewsbury at 180 mph on a motorcycle.

    You can hear the noisy tappets as the motorcycles travel down the A49 at speeds of 100 + mph.

    Sometimes we see three Midland Air Ambulances in the summer months land on the playing fields in Church Stretton to attend major RTAs on the A49.

    The majority of residents in Church Stretton are elderly. When elderly drivers come into contact with 100 + mph drivers and riders, fatalities occur.

    Our concern is with the residential streets of Church Stretton, All Stretton, Little Stretton and other residential areas of the Strettons.

    Although the town centre of Church Stretton and adjacent streets are a 20 mph zone (implemented by the Church Stretton Town Council), this is not enforced and neither has it been adopted by the West Mercia Police, and therefore no prosecutions against drivers and riders will ever happen if vehicles are travelling at 30 mph (33 mph with the 10% leeway).

    One major problem area is the Shrewsbury Road travelling from Church Stretton town centre to Church Stretton Schools.

    Motorcyclists, car drivers, trucks, buses and especially school coach drivers, who think it is okay to drive and ride at speed down the Shrewsbury Road with school children and adults of various ages and mental/physical abilities walking either side of the road.

    As I write this ‘Post’, I look out the window and there are at least 100 children returning back from one of our parks via the Shrewsbury Road.

    I understand speed, and have traveled at speed in my younger days days when owing cars and motorcycles, but never in residential areas.

    Wrote an article for our local magazine in which I stated with imperial evidence that a child understands when a vehicle is travelling at 20 mph towards them. The problem facing that child, they can not comprehend when a vehicle is travelling at 40 mph, 60 mph or higher towards them.

    Crossing in front of a vehicle travelling at 20 mph, the child understands that he/she can cross the road safely. With a vehicle travelling at 40 mph, 60 mph or more, the child’s perception of speed of the vehicle travelling towards them is still at 20 mph and this is one of the major reasons why children get hit by moving vehicles.

    My article was accepted by the local magazine and then refused two days before printing. I believe there might have been local political persuasion to refuse my article on speeding on the Shrewsbury Road, Church Stretton.

    I ran in the 2013 elections for Town Council gaining 11+% of the vote and will be running again in 2017.

    Am dedicated to the communities of Church Stretton and its surrounding areas to help them as much as I can.

    I do have verbal support from a town clerk (but not official) and my friend, Professor John Whitelegg, a global author of transport, mobility and speed.

    John Whitelegg is also a resident of Church Stretton and a member of the Green Party, as I am.

    I am a freelance copy writer and proof reader and these skills are useful in such a campaign.

    We would like to have a ’20’s Plenty for Us’ campaign in Church Stretton, Shropshire.

    Professor John Whitelegg is interested (when free) in joining me in the local campaign to stop speeding in the Strettons, especially Church Stretton and the hamlets of All Stretton and Little Stretton.

    John and myself and others have just completed a successful campaign to stop our library from being relocated from the centre of Church Stretton.

    Can you help to set up a local ’20’s Plenty for Us’ in Church Stretton?

    Together, we can protect the residents of Church Stretton.

    Regards, Andrew e. Williams B.Sc. Psych
  • Rod King
    commented 2016-07-15 08:40:33 +0100
    Thanks Andrew. I have emailed you about us helping you to forma local campaign.

  • Andrew Riley
    commented 2016-07-14 18:57:01 +0100
    Our local Neighbourhood Watch Group- Woodland & Whitkirk, Leeds would like to see speed limits reduced form 30 to 20 mph. Please could you help us to know how to go about running an effective campaign. Thank you
  • Rod King
    commented 2016-07-05 14:13:28 +0100

    The police are not responsible for setting speed limits. They are consultees only. There is no requirement for humps and chicanes, In fact across the country 20mph limits are being enforced by police forces some with more focus and some with less. Sometimes it is community speed watch groups in associating with the police. Sometimes the limits are relatively unenforced. All of this in accordance with guidance set out by the DfT. I would suggest that you approach your Police and Crime Commissioner.
  • Jenny Smedley
    commented 2016-07-05 13:17:53 +0100
    Hi Rod, last night the Parish Council voted to support our campaign in Necton and Ivy Todd. Someone there though said that when he was involved in getting Cromer’s limit down the police said it had to be self-policing, ie humps and chicanes. Can you comment on this for me to pass it on to him please? Thanks!
  • Jenny Smedley
    commented 2016-06-13 13:42:47 +0100
    Hi Rod, someone from a third village has asked if they can be added to our campaign. (Holme Hale wants to be added to Necton and Ivy Todd). Is this the right way to do it or would a separate one be better?
  • Rod King
    commented 2016-05-18 21:19:49 +0100
    We would be pleased to help Maggie and will make contact by email.
  • Maggie Sanderson
    commented 2016-05-18 21:06:14 +0100
    We would like to set up a 20’s plenty for us campaign in Carisbrooke High Street on the Isle of Wight to support the safety of school children and families as well as the residents of the village.
  • Rod King
    commented 2016-05-18 15:55:47 +0100
    Hi Mark. We would be pleased to help and will contact you. Rod
  • Mark Abel
    commented 2016-05-18 10:05:06 +0100
    I would like to start a campaign for West Horndon Village in Essex for 20 is plenty. Anything you can do to support us will be appreciated. Councillor Mark Abel, West Horndon Parish Council. [email protected]
  • Rod King
    commented 2016-05-12 22:08:23 +0100
    Hi Eva

    Thanks for your post. We would be pleased to help you form a campaign. We will email you directly tomorrow.

  • Eva-Maria Hunze
    commented 2016-05-12 21:36:17 +0100
    I’m keen to get a campaign started in Biggleswade. How do I go about it?
  • Caunin max
    commented 2016-05-07 22:17:46 +0100
  • Rod King
    commented 2016-04-18 13:37:53 +0100
    Darren and Jenny

    We would be pleased to assist and will be making email contact
  • Jenny Smedley
    commented 2016-04-17 13:14:59 +0100
    We live on the very edge of a de-restricted zone. We sit neatly on a less than a half mile stretch between two 30mph zones. Just as the zone is de-restricted, the lane becomes single carriageway and has blind bends on it. This ridiculous state of affairs means that drivers approaching from either 30mph hour zones speed up to 60mph well before they reach the de-resticted zone. So they are travelling at double the speed limit in both directions. There are no pavements anywhere along the road. Sadly some of the worst offenders are mums collecting kids from school. We’d like to see the entire stretch of road reduced to 20 mph. In part because despite ‘Not suitable for HGVs’ signs, many lorries still thunder up the single track round the blind bends, leaving vulnerable pedestrians to scramble for their lives up a steep bank, and how no-one has been killed so far is a miracle. Can you help please?
  • Darren Wilson
    commented 2016-04-15 09:05:37 +0100
    Hello, I would like to start a campaign in our village, how would I go about it. Your help and advice would be greatly appreciated. thanks, Darren
  • Rod King
    commented 2016-04-12 16:48:05 +0100
    Hi Dani

    WE would be pleased to help and will contact you by email.

  • Dani Burns
    commented 2016-04-10 13:41:28 +0100
    We would love to start a campaign in our village, could you suggest the best process and the best way to organise appropriate signs.
    We’re hoping to change the speed limit with highways in the long term, but very keen to raise awareness to drivers that they are putting children at risk during school drop off and pick up hours.
  • Julietta Cochrane
    commented 2016-03-27 11:26:39 +0100
    Hello … thanks so much for this site … very useful information on here.
    Yes, we did air pollution monitoring in our local area of Camden and found that 82% of sites measured exceeded the legal limit of 40 ppm which is already dangerous … some by 2.5 times, and that is an average.
    I have since started Camden Air Action. One of our first things is to start a petition to the council. Any help is very gratefully received.
  • Chris Gentle
    commented 2016-03-22 23:18:05 +0000
    Hello I’d like to start a campaign for our local area which is used as a commuting rat run with one child knocked over (be OK now) already. I’d welcome advice. Thanks Chris
  • Kevin McKernan
    commented 2016-02-27 18:34:33 +0000
    Hello from Hartford, CT! I am part of a team which is working with the city to help make it a more safe and comfortable place for pedestrians and bicyclists. We have had numerous incidents of people walking and being struck by speeding vehicles. I was hoping to bring some information about your campaigns and what we might do to lower the official speed limits on some public rights of way. I notice only a few campaigns in the US have started, but any information I could bring to the team on what you do and how you may be able to help would be appreciated. Thank you very much!
  • Marie Allen
    commented 2016-02-02 16:25:26 +0000
    How do I go about starting a campaign please for my street in Colchester? I approached my local Councillor who was no help whatsoever, in fact was quite rude
  • Viv Burdon
    commented 2016-01-12 16:41:13 +0000
    Hello, I am coordinating action in my street calling on the Borough council to reduce the speeds and possibly volumes of vehicles using our road as a rat run. We have established contact with the council through a petition signed by approximately 75% of residents calling on the council to look into the matter with a view to addressing the issues that concern us. we have had a very positive response and Council Officers have engaged with us, providing advice on how to build and refine our campaign demands through the 20s plenty for us idea and DIY Streets (SUSTRANS). We have been encouraged in the first instance to submit a request (demonstrably backed by the majority of residents) calling for a 20 mph speed limit. I a writing now to ask what sort of help you can give us in formalising our 20splentyforus campaign and more specifically help with drafting the wording for our petition to the borough council. Thank you for your help. Viv Burdon
  • Rod King
    commented 2015-12-23 08:29:58 +0000
    Hi Dominic

    We would be pleased to assist in forming a campaign. I will email you separately.
  • Dominic Thomas
    commented 2015-12-23 07:02:10 +0000
    Just moved to a village on the Hampshire/Berkshire border with a 30mph limit. One of the routes into the village has two blind corners immediately followed by a duck pond (no pavement) and single pass humpback bridge and I’m concerned about the wellbeing of children who are often drawn to feed the ducks there.
    What’s the best way to set up a 20isplenty campaign? Parish Council, Police, MP, Council or all of the above?
    There’s a strong community and of it’s a case of getting signatures I’m sure this can be achieved (with the help of the village pub!)
    Appreciate your advice.
  • Colin Glass
    commented 2015-12-16 12:07:21 +0000
    Please keep on trying Andrew … 30 is just not good enough.
    We heard a lot in the news last week that the UK has signed up for the Paris agreement which means the UK HAS to look at ways of reducing CO2 emissions to support our environment. That means local as well as national. A simple, cheap and safe way to do that is to REDUCE car speeds and local traffic given the volumes would make an ENORMOUS difference. Safety, Noise and in particular Lung health all play into the 20 argument. Lets keep lobbying our local residences, councils and MPs to make this happen up and down the country.
  • Andrew Schofield
    commented 2015-12-16 11:24:59 +0000
    We have tried to get a 20mph limit through our small village via the local and county council, using local councillors and MP but all to no avail. Cost and data showing the average speed of vehicles is 32mph. They have missed the point even 30 is too fast. We don’t have pavements and many premises including our village community centres entrance/exit go straight out onto the road. We would like to start our own campaign and would appreciate any help / support.
  • Rod King
    commented 2015-11-25 12:06:50 +0000
    Hi Colin

    Yes, councils will often make such comments to “manage expectations”. Goodness, if we do it for one village then they all will want 20mph limits!!!!

    We believe that its about making the strong case for 20mph limits to create a moral, financial and political imperative to make a change. Once this is fully understood along with the benefits and gains from a 20mph limits then it is realised that 20mph limits return far more than they cost.

    Sometimes it can seem slow progress, but gradually the UK is transitioning from a national 30mph to a situation where a 20mph limit is becoming the norm for urban and village roads. WE would be pleased to assist in your village.

  • Colin Glass
    commented 2015-11-25 07:39:27 +0000
    I would like to see 20mph through our village but the county council say they have NO money to review! We live in a village near Knaresborough, Yorkshire
  • Alison Smart
    commented 2015-11-12 14:53:19 +0000
    I am interested in starting a campaign in Wallingford, Oxfordshire